How many types of blood are there & platelets What does blood type mean? When people hear the term “blood type” most people think of A, B, AB and O. These letters classify blood types based on whether the red blood cells have A antigen or B antigen.
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People with blood group O are safe from many diseases.
There are mainly four types of blood groups – A, B, AB and O. Blood group O is also considered a universal donor. That means people with this blood group can donate blood to people with any other blood group.
What is the rarest blood type?
AB negative is the rarest of the eight main blood types – only 1% of our donors have it. Despite being rare, it is in demand due to lack of AB negative blood and we have to get A.
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Symptoms of Anemia:-
If you have anemia, you may have symptoms such as fatigue, increased heartbeat, pale skin, or difficulty breathing that do not get better for up to two weeks. *What can be the symptoms of anemia?
- weakness and fatigue
- skin color white or pale
- Dryness of skin and easy bruising
- Irregular heartbeat and difficulty
- tongue ulcers
- Feeling dizzy or faint
- Cold hands and feet
Anemia related diseases:-
The name of the disease caused by blood deficiency is anemia. This disease occurs when the level of hemoglobin in red blood cells (RBCs) in the body decreases. Hemoglobin is a protein present in RBCs that is responsible for delivering oxygen to the tissues.
Anemia and periods:-
This problem can cause anemia. Due to this, the number of red blood cells that are produced in a woman’s body,the same amount of these blood cells are released during periods. Due to this, there is a problem in hemoglobin production.
Too much fatigue and weakness – When there is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the body of women, then there is maximum weakness and fatigue in the body. We become so weak that one has to face great difficulties in doing some work. This happens because oxygen does not reach every organ.
Ways to get rid of anemia:-
- Tomatoes are very useful for health.
- Green leafy vegetables help to increase red blood cells in our body.
- Jaggery tea is very beneficial for increased blood in our body .
- Fruits play an important role in increasing red blood cells .
- Dry fruits and dates are also very important for our body .
Health problem due to red blood cells:-
Lack of sufficient hemoglobin causes excessive hair fall. Low hemoglobin or otherwise known iron deficiency is scientifically called anemia and when we talk about the causes of hair loss due to iron deficiency, it is called anemia hair loss.

Anemia and weight gain :-
Anemia is an indicator of both poor nutrition and poor health. This is problematic in itself, but it can also impact other global public health concerns such as stunting and wasting, low birth weight, and childhood overweight and obesity due to lack of energy to exercise.
How many types of blood are there & Platelets
You eat too many calories: Overeating is a major cause of weight gain. If you consume more calories than you burn each day, you are likely to gain weight. Mindless eating, frequent snacking, and choosing calorie-dense, nutrient-poor diets all lead to excessive calorie intake.
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How many types of blood are there & Platelets
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